lørdag 9. januar 2016

Sommer 2016

Follow http://www.madeonsandøya.com  /Made on Sandøya on Facebook for coming events and exhibits!

Summer 2016

Utstilling juli 2016 på Lerkekåsa vingård og galleri, Gvarv. Nye store maleri med innlandstema, hest, og skogskoloritt.
New work showing in july at the Lerkekåsa winery and gallery in Gvarv, Norway.  Large paintings with equinine and forest themes.

Facebook: Lerkekåsa Vingård og Galleri

Home gallery closed for sale july 2016. Instead can my prints and smaller paintings with themes of the boats and sea in blue and gold leaf are for sale at Linns restuarant and candleshop mid-island.